Hearing Protection
Protecting Your Senses
Whether you’re utilising a headset at the office or while travelling, or if you happen to be a health and safety officer overseeing the well-being of your staff, the assurance of hearing protection should be a fundamental necessity rather than an extravagant option. JPL has been committed to this cause for nearly two decades, striving to produce headsets that not only conform to legal standards but also deliver a secure and pleasant auditory encounter to our customers, all without compromising on audio excellence. Our goal is to ensure that both the user and the recipient enjoy crystal-clear and protected sound.
JPL’s Sound Shield™
Identifies and eliminates potentially harmful sound spikes above 118 dBA to give you acoustic shock protection and protect your hearing. All JPL headsets include our JPL Sound Shield Technology.
JPL’s Surround Shield™
Before transmitting the audio to the receiver, it detects and eradicates distracting background noise originating from the user, ensuring a pristine audio quality while eliminating any disruptive sounds.
Read more about JPL’s hearing protection standards.
Hearing Aid Compatible Headset Solutions
Along side protecting your hearing we also recognise that individuals who suffer with hearing loss who rely on hearing aid-compatible headsets face a limited number of cost-effective, user-friendly options. To address this issue, we developed the JPL-HAC headset – a solution that combines affordability with seamless compatibility with hearing aids through T-loop settings.
Headset Hygeine
While our Sound Shield™ Technology ensures hearing protection through our headsets, it’s crucial to remember that maintaining good headset hygiene is equally vital for safeguarding your hearing and overall health.
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